The Importance of Exercise for Maintaining Health in Older Age

 As we all age, there's no escaping it, though this doesn't necessitate giving up on working for a good state of healthiness. Exercise is invariably one of the most vital aspects in maintaining your health as you get older. It can help strengthen muscles and bones, as well as promote balance and coordination. So, why is exercise so integral to preserving wellness in old age?

Let's discuss!

Maintain muscle strength

Sarcopenia, a natural process associated with the lessening of activity levels, reckons that as we age, it results in a decrease in muscle mass. To deflect this process and maintain muscle strength over old age, frequent physical exercise is integral. Aside from hindering loss of muscular mass, exercise also contributes to improved joint mobility, better durability and enhances the quality of life for elderly adults.

Improve brain function

Research has indicated that strength-based exercises can increase mental performance by boosting executive skills such as attentiveness, memory, and problem solving- mainly among elderly people with minor cognitive impairment or Alzheimer's.

Furthermore, aerobic activities can boost overall clarity of thought due to boosted blood flow to the brain which furnishes additional oxygen and vital nutrients needed for nerve cell growth and maintenance. Additionally, specific kinds of mental activities like Tai Chi have been found beneficial for lessening stress indicators in elderly persons with mild cognitive impairment.

Reduce disability risk

Numerous advantages have been associated with exercise in regard to mental health and a reduced risk of disability. Investigations done on people over 60 showed regular physical activity decreased their chances of becoming disabled by almost 50%.

By providing relief from aches and assisting them to stay active regardless of their ailment, exercise has been shown to be beneficial for individuals enduring chronic conditions such as arthritis.

Home care nursing agency

It is evident that taking part in ordinary physical activity is important for keeping health during later life periods. Exercise can offer many mental and physical benefits, as well as assisting to decrease disabilities related illnesses, especially throughout this lasting journey - particularly during those ageing years.

This is why Tianshi Care offers home care nursing services that give the best possible care and support for your ageing loved ones. Our experienced, compassionate professionals provide compassionate, personalised care plans tailored to individual needs and facilitate a seamless transition back into the community.


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